what is Cipher?

A cipher is an algorithm for encrypting and decrypting data, typically used for secure communication. The most common types of ciphers include substitution ciphers, transposition ciphers, and symmetric-key algorithms such as AES and DES. Ciphers can also be used for authentication and digital signatures.


plain text to cipher with XOR

To encrypt a plaintext message using the XOR technique, a key is chosen and used to XOR each character of the plaintext. The key can be any binary string of the same length as the plaintext, but it must be kept secret in order to maintain the security of the encryption.

Here's an example of how the XOR technique can be used to encrypt a plaintext message:

Plaintext: "HELLO"

Key: "XMCKL"
Plaintext: 01001000 01000101 01001100 01001100 01001111
Key: 01011000 01001101 01100011 01010111 01001100
Ciphertext: 00111000 01011010 01101011 01010111 00110001
Ciphertext: 8*+/=)

  1. Convert the plaintext and key to binary:

  2. Apply the XOR operator to each corresponding pair of bits:

  3. Convert the ciphertext back to ASCII to get the final ciphertext message:

To decrypt the ciphertext message, the same key is used to XOR the ciphertext with again, this will give us back the original plaintext.

It's important to note that the XOR technique is a very simple encryption method and it's not considered as secure as other more modern encryption methods such as AES, RSA and others. It's mainly used for simple encryption tasks such as obfuscating data.

1.1 substitution cipher

In a substitution cipher, letters or symbols in the plaintext are replaced with other letters or symbols to create the ciphertext. For example, the Caesar Cipher, which is one of the oldest and simplest ciphers, replaces each letter in the plaintext with a letter that is a fixed number of positions down the alphabet.


An example of a substitution cipher is the Caesar Cipher, named after Julius Caesar who used it to encrypt messages sent to his officials. In this cipher, each letter in the plaintext is shifted a fixed number of positions down the alphabet to create the ciphertext. For example, if the shift value is 3, the letter "A" in the plaintext would become "D" in the ciphertext, "B" would become "E", and so on.

Here's an example of the Caesar Cipher in action:

Plaintext: "HELLO WORLD" Shift value: 3 Ciphertext: "KHOOR ZRUOG"

To decrypt the ciphertext, the recipient would simply shift the letters back 3 positions to reveal the original plaintext.

It's important to note that the Caesar Cipher is not considered secure by today's standards and can be easily broken with simple frequency analysis or by trying all possible shift values.

1.2 transposition cipher,

In a transposition cipher, the positions of the letters or symbols in the plaintext are rearranged to create the ciphertext. For example, the rail fence cipher arranges the letters in a zigzag pattern before reading them off in a specific order to create the ciphertext.


An example of a transposition cipher is the rail fence cipher. In this cipher, the letters of the plaintext are written in a zigzag pattern along a set number of "rails" before being read off to create the ciphertext. The rail fence cipher is a simple example of a transposition cipher, but more complex transposition ciphers can also be used.

Here's an example of the rail fence cipher in action:

Plaintext: "HELLO WORLD" Number of rails: 3 Ciphertext: "HOEWLRLL OD"

To decrypt the ciphertext, the recipient would need to know the number of rails used and then rearrange the letters accordingly to reveal the original plaintext.

As with other types of simple transposition ciphers, the rail fence cipher is not considered secure by today's standards and can be easily broken with simple frequency analysis or by guessing the number of rails used.

1.3 Symmetric-key algorithms

Symmetric-key algorithms, such as AES and DES, use a single secret key for both encryption and decryption. They are widely used to encrypt data transmitted over networks and stored in files.

Another type of cipher is the Public-key cryptography also known as Asymmetric key cryptography, which uses a pair of keys, one for encryption and one for decryption. The most common examples of this type of cipher include RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). Public-key ciphers are often used for secure communication, digital signatures, and other forms of secure authentication.


An example of a symmetric-key algorithm is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). AES is a widely used symmetric-key algorithm that was chosen as a standard by the U.S. government and is used to protect sensitive information such as financial transactions and government communications.

AES uses a fixed block size of 128 bits and can use a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits. The encryption and decryption process in AES involve several rounds of substitution and permutation operations using a secret key.

Here's an example of AES encryption and decryption:

Plaintext: "HELLO WORLD" Key: "mysecretkey32bytes" (256-bit key) Ciphertext: "2F1A69B5C8DC8E5AB5C9F1D5E5F8B5D5"

To decrypt the ciphertext, the recipient would use the same key "mysecretkey32bytes" to retrieve the original plaintext.

AES is considered a very secure algorithm and is resistant to known attacks such as linear and differential cryptanalysis. Another example of symmetric-key algorithm is Data Encryption Standard (DES) which uses 56-bit key for encryption and decryption and it is now considered as less secure than AES.

Ciphers can be divided into 2 types : Classical and Modern. Classical ciphers are the ones which have been used before the invention of computers and modern ciphers are the ones which are designed to be resistant to attacks with the help of computers.

2. Classical ciphers

Classical ciphers are encryption methods that were used before the invention of computers. They include various types of substitution and transposition ciphers, as well as polyalphabetic ciphers. Some examples of classical ciphers include:

2.1 Caesar Cipher : It is one of the oldest and simplest substitution ciphers, in which each letter of the plaintext is shifted a fixed number of positions down the alphabet to create the ciphertext.


The Caesar Cipher is a simple substitution cipher that replaces each letter of the plaintext with a letter that is a fixed number of positions down the alphabet. The number of positions is known as the key, and it is typically a small integer value. Here's an example of the Caesar Cipher encryption and decryption process:

Plaintext: "HELLO WORLD" Key: 3 Ciphertext: "KHOOR ZRUOG"

To encrypt the plaintext, each letter is shifted three positions down the alphabet, resulting in the ciphertext "KHOOR ZRUOG". To decrypt the ciphertext, the process is reversed and each letter is shifted back three positions to retrieve the original plaintext "HELLO WORLD".

It's important to note that the Caesar Cipher is considered to be a very weak encryption method and can be easily broken using a method called frequency analysis. This technique takes advantage of the fact that certain letters appear more frequently in a given language, and by analyzing the frequency of letters in the ciphertext, it is possible to determine the key and decrypt the message.

However, despite its weaknesses, the Caesar Cipher is still widely used as a simple demonstration of the principles of encryption and decryption.

2.2 Vigenere Cipher : It is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher that uses a repeating keyword to encrypt the plaintext.


    The Vigenere Cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher that uses a repeating keyword to encrypt the plaintext. The Vigenere Cipher is considered to be more secure than the Caesar Cipher because it uses a different shift value for each letter of the plaintext, making it more difficult to break using frequency analysis.

Here's an example of the Vigenere Cipher encryption and decryption process:

Plaintext: "HELLO WORLD" Key: "SECRET" Ciphertext: "ISWWCK YIVOA"

To encrypt the plaintext, the key "SECRET" is repeated to the length of the plaintext, resulting in the key "SECRET SECRET". Then, each letter of the plaintext is shifted by the corresponding letter of the key.

For the decryption process, the same key is used to reverse the shift, and thus the original plaintext is retrieved.

It's important to note that the Vigenere Cipher was considered unbreakable for a long time, but later on, in the 19th century, a method called Kasiski examination was developed to break it, and now it's considered to be a weak encryption method.

Despite its weaknesses, the Vigenere Cipher is still widely used as an example of how the use of a repeating key can improve the security of a simple substitution cipher.

2.3. Playfair Cipher : It is a polygraphic substitution cipher that encrypts pairs of letters instead of single letters.


The Playfair Cipher is a polygraphic substitution cipher that encrypts pairs of letters instead of individual letters. It uses a 5x5 grid of letters, known as the key square, which is filled with a keyword and the remaining letters of the alphabet in a specific order.

Here's an example of the Playfair Cipher encryption and decryption process:


  1. To create the key square, the keyword "PLAYFAIREXAMPLE" is used and the remaining letters of the alphabet are added in a specific order, resulting in the key square:


  1. To encrypt the plaintext, the plaintext is divided into pairs of letters and the position of each letter in the key square is used to determine the ciphertext. If the letters appear in the same row of the key square, the letters to the right are used (wrapping around to the beginning if necessary). If the letters appear in the same column of the key square, the letters below are used (wrapping around to the top if necessary). If the letters do not appear in the same row or column, a rectangle is formed using the letters and the letters at the opposite corners of the rectangle are used.

In this example, the plaintext is "HE LL OW OR LD" and the corresponding ciphertext is "HML TK WQ YU SZ VX RG"

  1. To decrypt the ciphertext, the same process is reversed. The position of each letter in the key square is used to determine the plaintext.It's important to note that the Playfair Cipher is considered to be more secure than the Caesar and Vigenere Cipher, but it still can be broken by modern cryptanalysis techniques. Despite its weaknesses, the Playfair Cipher is still widely used as an example of polygraphic substitution ciphers.

2.4 Beaufort Cipher : It is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher that is similar to the Vigenere Cipher, but encrypts letters in the opposite order.

The Beaufort Cipher is a polygraphic substitution cipher that is similar to the Vigenere Cipher, but uses a different encryption method. It also uses a repeating keyword to encrypt the plaintext.

Here's an example of the Beaufort Cipher encryption and decryption process:

Plaintext: "HELLO WORLD" Key: "SECRET" Ciphertext: "HRRMG VRMHE"

  1. To encrypt the plaintext, the key "SECRET" is repeated to the length of the plaintext, resulting in the key "SECRET SECRET". Then, for each letter of the plaintext, it is encrypted as follows: Cipher letter = plain letter - key letter (mod 26)

  2. To decrypt the ciphertext, the same process is reversed. For each letter of the ciphertext, it is decrypted as follows: plain letter = cipher letter + key letter (mod 26)

     It's important to note that the Beaufort Cipher is a reciprocal cipher, which means that the encryption process is the same as the decryption process.

    It's also important to note that the Beaufort Cipher is not considered to be as secure as other ciphers as it is a variant of the Vigenere Cipher and it can be broken by similar methods such as the Kasiski examination.

    Despite its weaknesses, the Beaufort Cipher is still widely used as an example of reciprocal substitution ciphers and its mathematical properties are interesting for cryptanalysis.

  1. Enigma Machine : it was widely used by the German military during World War II to encrypt their communications. It was considered unbreakable at the time but later was broken by the allies.

All these classical ciphers are not considered secure by today's standards and can be easily broken with various methods such as frequency analysis and brute force attacks.

However, despite their weaknesses, these ciphers played an important role in the history of cryptography and many of their concepts and techniques are still used in modern encryption methods.


The Enigma Machine was a complex electromechanical cipher machine used by the German military during World War II. It used a combination of mechanical and electrical components to encrypt and decrypt messages.

Here's an example of how the Enigma Machine encryption and decryption process worked:

Plaintext: "HELLO WORLD" Key settings: Rotor order (I-II-III), rotor starting positions (A-B-C), reflector (B) Ciphertext: "QVPQS OKOIL"

  1. To encrypt the plaintext, the operator would first set the rotor order, rotor starting positions, and reflector settings on the Enigma Machine. The operator would then type in the plaintext, letter by letter.

  2. As each letter is typed, it would pass through the rotors, which would scramble the letter according to the rotor settings. The letter would then be reflected by the reflector and pass back through the rotors in the opposite direction, further scrambling the letter.

  3. The final output of the Enigma Machine would be the encrypted ciphertext.

  4. To decrypt the ciphertext, the recipient of the message would set the rotor order, rotor starting positions, and reflector settings on their Enigma Machine to match those used by the sender. They would then type in the ciphertext, letter by letter.

  5. As each letter is typed, it would pass through the rotors, which would unscramble the letter according to the rotor settings. The letter would then be reflected by the reflector and pass back through the rotors in the opposite direction, further unscrambling the letter.

  6. The final output of the Enigma Machine would be the decrypted plaintext.

  7. It's important to note that the Enigma Machine was considered to be very secure during World War II, but it was eventually cracked by the Allies, who developed techniques for breaking the Enigma code.

    Despite its weaknesses, the Enigma Machine is still widely considered to be one of the most important and fascinating ciphers in the history of cryptography.

3. Modern cipher

Modern ciphers are encryption methods that have been developed since the invention of computers. They are generally considered more secure than classical ciphers as they use complex mathematical algorithms and larger key sizes. Some examples of modern ciphers include:

  1. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): It is a widely used symmetric-key algorithm that was chosen as a standard by the U.S. government and is used to protect sensitive information such as financial transactions and government communications.

  2. RSA: It is an asymmetric-key algorithm that is widely used for secure data transmission, such as in secure socket layer (SSL) and transport layer security (TLS) protocols.

  3. Blowfish: It is a symmetric-key block cipher that is designed for fast encryption and decryption.

  4. Twofish: It is a symmetric key block cipher that is a successor to Blowfish.

  5. Serpent: It is a symmetric key block cipher that was one of the AES finalist.

  6. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC): it is a modern method for public-key cryptography, which is based on the mathematics of elliptic curves.

These modern ciphers are considered secure by today's standards, as long as they are implemented correctly and used with appropriate key sizes. They are being used in various applications including secure communications, online transactions, and data storage.

It's important to note that even with the most secure ciphers, the security of a system depends on many factors, including the implementation, key management, and the overall security of the system.